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Tuesday 15 January 2013

Missing You 幸福摩天轮

I just finished watching Missing You. The main actors starring are : Linda Chung, Jason Chan, Cilla Lok and Calvin Chan.

I found that the ending was a bit rushed because Jason just had feelings for Linda all of a sudden in a few minutes after he recalled how she alway stayed by his side when he was feeling depressed. He ran many streets to get Linda back and prevent her from going to Australia. This scene was rather weird cos the chasing part took up like 5 minutes while I personally think he should just go straight to the Airport and wait for her there. However, the confession part was awesome. Credits to their scriptwriter.

This drama basically develop Linda's one sided love by placing her as Jason's partner and they work together to help people find their lost family members. Some of the cases were quite touching, especially the 3 siblings one.

Brian Chu acted as Linda's brother and i felt that his screen time was so little, compared to Cilla and Calvin, they used to show almost equal screentime in Yes Sir, Sorry Sir ! . I think Brian still need to brush up on some of his acting skills such as the sad tone part..

I wish that there will be a sequeal to this drama. The theme song is sang by Linda Chung, 幸福歌。

This is the link to one of their promotional event with Linda singing the theme song.

Overall I'll rate this 7/10. The last episode was the best!

 < working on a case.